Members receive a list of 12 titles by the end of each season.
The challenge is to create an appropriate image for each title in time for the competition,
which is held during the last meeting before Christmas.
The person with the lowest score picks the titles for the next year's challenge,
so they can choose their favourite subjects.
However the titles must be attainable for everyone of all ages and abilities,
ideally simple subjects which are easy to interpret.
This fun competition is judged by the winner of the previous year's competition.
The Wanglers Award is given to the member who takes the most diabolical
misinterpretation of one of the subject titles.
It is a PDI competition, requiring JPEG files to be a maximum width of 1,600
and a maximum height of 1,200 pixels.
The challenge is to create an appropriate image for each title in time for the competition,
which is held during the last meeting before Christmas.
The person with the lowest score picks the titles for the next year's challenge,
so they can choose their favourite subjects.
However the titles must be attainable for everyone of all ages and abilities,
ideally simple subjects which are easy to interpret.
This fun competition is judged by the winner of the previous year's competition.
The Wanglers Award is given to the member who takes the most diabolical
misinterpretation of one of the subject titles.
It is a PDI competition, requiring JPEG files to be a maximum width of 1,600
and a maximum height of 1,200 pixels.