Club Rules
- That the club should be called Capel Camera Club.
- The annual subscription shall be £35 per year.
- That all members should pay £2.00 which includes refreshments and hire of the hall at each meeting attended.
- The annual general meeting shall be held in April, at which all officers and committee shall retire and an election shall take place.
- A committee meeting shall be called at the discretion of the secretary or at the request of any officer at such time and place shall be convenient to the majority of those eligible to attend. Five shall be a quorum.
- That the season shall commence during September and thereafter a minimum of two meetings a month shall be held until the following April.
- All meeting shall be held at Capel Village Hall, Capel and shall meet at 7.45pm for 8pm start unless otherwise stated. When visiting other clubs, members meet at the hall of the opposition at such time as announced at the previous meeting.
- That at the request of any member at the AGM voting may be by ballot.
- Selection committees for slides and prints should comprise of not more than seven members and that nominees are voted in at an AGM.
as at April 2024